Carlos Monzón with his first wife Mercedes
Beatriz García and their children Abel Ricardo and Silvia Beatriz.

Carlos Monzón

Carlos Monzón

Carlos Monzón

Carlos Monzón

Carlos Monzón

Carlos Monzón

Carlos Monzón

Carlos Monzón

Carlos Monzón

Carlos Monzón

Carlos Monzón

Carlos Monzón with Alicia Muñiz

In 1988, while vacationing in the resort city of
Mar del Plata, Carlos Monzon allegedly beat Alicia Muñiz
so many times that she was
scarred and bloody; ran to the balcony of their second floor apartment
presumably jumped. According to the investigation performed later,
he followed her there, grabbed her
by the neck, and then picked her up
and pushed her off the balcony, to her death, after which he
her in the fall injuring a shoulder.