Gacy did confirm to police that he had on several occasions
killed more than one person in a day.

Not all of Gacy's victims
where found in the crawlspace, some of them where
found in a
Gacy told police that the reason he disposed of the
bodies in the river was
because he ran out of room
in his
crawlspace and because he had been
experiencing back
problems from digging the graves.

He claimed that many of his murders
were commited in self-defense.

He paid prostitutes, but was also attracted to straight men.

He had many
of the classic signs of anti-personality disorder:
felt no remorse or guilt; didn’t look at his victims as people.

He was unable to accept his own homosexual behavior.
His shame and rage would overwhelm him, and he killed them.

From 1972-78, Gacy handcuffed and strangled 33 victims.

He was arrested on Dec. 21, 1978, almost 7 years after the first

He used a rope trick to strangle victims.

At one point, he claimed
that an alter ego named Jack Hanley had killed them.
He was
trying to set himself up for an insanity plea. Unfortunately,
showed that he was not insane.

He lived a double life: doing good things for his community,
while sodomizing teenage boys in secret.