Police floor plans showing location of bodies found in Gacy's home.

Floorplan drawn by John Wayne Gacy showing the locations of his

Investigators entering Gacy's House.

Porn magazines found in the house after Gacy's arrest.

The rope used in Gacy's "rope tricks."

Evidence recovered from Gacy's house.

Greg Bedoe leading Gacy
to his house from the garage at 8213 Summerdale Avenue
he had pointed
out where he had buried John Butkovich's body.
Sommerschield is slighly behind Gacy at his right.

Gacy's muddy car
On Friday,
December 22, 1978, Gacy confessed to police that he killed
at least thirty people
and buried most of the remains of the
victims beneath the crawl space of his house.

On the first day that the
police began their digging, they found two bodies. One of
the bodies was
that of John Butkovich who was buried under
the garage. The other body was the one found
in the crawl
space. As the days passed, the body count grew higher. Some
of the victims
were found with their underwear still lodged
deep in their throats.

Some victims were buried
so close together that police believed they were probably
or buried at the
same time. Gacy did confirm to
police that he had on several occasions
killed more than one
person in a day.

Numbered stakes indicate where the bodies of
John Wayne Gacy's victims were found
in the crawl space beneath
his suburban home. Twenty-nine bodies, all young males,
recovered from Gacy's home. Four others were found in Illinois

The reason Gacy gave for
them being buried so close together was that he was
out of room and needed to conserve space.

On the 28th of December,
police had removed a total of twenty-seven
bodies from Gacy’s house.