John Gacy (left).

Gacy with Miss Illinois.

Gacy with Miss Illinois.

John Gacy (left).

John Gacy (second from left).

Gacy's parents: Marion Elaine Robinson & John Wayne Gacy, Sr.
According to the book
Killer Clown, by Terry Sullivan and Peter Maiken, Gacy
seemed to have a regular childhood with the exception of his
turbulent relationship with his father, John Wayne Gacy Sr.
The authors describe the father as an unpleasant, abusive
alcoholic prone to physically and verbally assaulting his
children. The authors describe Gacy as deeply loving his
father and wanting desperately to gain his approval and
attention, but failing to win him over.

Gacy with his mother, Marion.

Gacy with his mother, Marion.

Gacy with his first wife Marlynn Myers.
In September 1964, Gacy
met and married a co-worker named Marlynn Myers whose
parents owned a string of Kentucky Fried Chicken fast food
restaurant franchises in Waterloo, Iowa. Fred W. Myers,
Gacy’s new father-in-law, offered him a position with one of
his franchises.

On June 1, 1972 Gacy married his second wife Carole Hoff,
a newly divorced mother of two daughters.

John Wayne Gacy with Carole Hoff on their wedding day.

Gacy and Carole Hoff and her two daughters
The couple divorced on March 2, 1976.

John W. Gacy

John W. Gacy

Gacy as a chief cook