Scott Dyleski

Scott Dyleski

Scott Dyleski

Scott Dyleski

Scott Dyleski

Scott Dyleski

Scott Dyleski

Scott Dyleski

Scott Dyleski

Scott Dyleski

Scott Dyleski arrest.

Scott Dyleski arrest.

Scott Dyleski arrest.

Scott Dyleski mugshot.

Scott Dyleski at trial.

Scott Dyleski at trial.

Scott Dyleski listen verdict.

Pamela Vitale's home.

Attorney Daniel Horowitz, steps out of his car at the front gate
of his home to speak
to reporters, Wednesday
Oct. 19, 2005, in
Lafayette, Calif. Horowitz returned to his
rural hilltop estate in
Lafayette on Saturday
evening and reported finding the
body of his
wife, Pamela Vitale, dead from a blow to the head.
The victim

Pamela Vitale in undated driver's license photo provided by California
Department of Motor.

Jan. 23, 2005, file photo show Daniel Horowitz and Vitale, his