Sir Jack Drummond, wartime adviser on nutrition, now research
chief of Boots, Nottingham.

On July 17, 1915 Drummond married Mable Helen Straw, who had also
been an undergraduate
at East London College. Their marriage
lasted 24 years until in 1939 it broke up because of
affair with his secretary and co-author, Anne Wilbraham (born 10
Dec 1907). Jack
and Anne married on June 15, 1940. Their only
child, Elizabeth, was born on March 23, 1942.

Sir Jack Drummond with his wife Anne.

The Drummond's family.

A family picture of the English Drummond
family, in 1944: Sir Jack Drummond, 53 years old, director
of a biology laboratory at the University of London, his wife Lady
Ann Drummond, born Wilbraham, 39
years old, and their 2 year old daughter Elizabeth.
(Photo by Keystone-France/Gamma-Keystone via Getty Images)

Sir Jack Drummond with his daughter Elizabeth.

Elizabeth Drummond

Sir Jack Drummond and his families funeral service conducted by
Protestant minister
before wall of hedges in flower-strewn cemetery.
(Photo by Thomas D. Mcavoy/The LIFE Picture Collection/Getty Images)
Dominici biography