Taking the death mask of John Dillinger's face in the morgue in
(Photo by Imagno/Getty Images)

Prof. D. E. Ashworth lifts a plaster death mask off the face of
John Dillinger while his students watch on July 23,
1934 at the Cook County Morgue in Chicago. Prof. Ashworth, of the
Worsham College of Mortuary Science, had
told employees at the morgue the he had permission to create the
mask, but didn't. Ashworth and his students
were ousted from the morgue and the partially completed mask was
confiscated by the police. Unbeknownst to
the FBI, a complimentary copy of another death mask was sent to the
bureau from the Reliance Dental
Corporation, who also did not have permission. To this day, there is
controversy over how many death
masks were made of Dillinger's face and the authenticity of the
(Chicago Tribune historical photo)

A Dillinger death mask made from an original mold, and eyebrow
hair, on display at the
Crime Museum in Washington, D.C. Note the bullet exit mark below the
right eye.

The body of bank robber John Dillinger is put on display in a
Chicago morgue.

The body of bank robber John Dillinger is put on display in a
Chicago morgue after he is shot to death
by the FBI and police.

Photo shows people filing past a window which displays John
Dillinger's corpse on a tilted table.

Betty Nelson and Rosella Nelson view the body of John Dillinger,
32, while in bathing suits at the Cook County
Morgue, located at Polk and Wood Streets, in Chicago. In the days
after Dillinger was killed on July 22, 1934,
massive crowds lined up outside the morgue to get a glimpse of the
notorious public enemy.
(Chicago Tribune historical photo)

Betty Nelson and Rosella Nelson (sisters and entertainers) view
the body of John Dillinger, 32, while in
bathing suits at the Cook County Morgue, located at Polk and Wood
Streets, in Chicago.
(Chicago Tribune historical photo)

Betty and Rosella Nelson, sisters and entertainers in Chicago,
view the body of the notorious criminal
John Dillinger in
the morgue.

Two tags on the feet of bank robber John Dillinger, in the Cook
County morgue after he was shot
by government

Police officers examining the bloodstained clothing of outlaw
John Dillinger, on the day he was shot and killed
by police and federal agents in Chicago, 22nd July 1934.