Leon Davis Jr.

Leon Davis Jr.

Leon Davis Jr.

Leon Davis Jr.

Leon Davis testifies in Circuit Judge Donald Jacobsen's courtroom
during Davis'
BP murder trial in Bartow. Tuesday Oct. 2 2012
(Rick Runion / Ledger Media Group)

Leon Davis Jr.

Leon Davis Jr.

Polk County Sheriff's bailiff Beverly McCall, left, fingerprints
Leon Davis Jr. after Circuit
Judge J. Michael Hunter sentenced him
to death for the murders of Yvonne
Bustamante and Juanita "Jane"
Luciano at the Polk County Courthouse.
(Michael Wilson / The Ledger)

Convicted murderer Leon Davis, Jr., seen here walking into court,
should be executed
for the execution-style killings of two store
clerks at a Lake Alfred convenience store
in December 2007, a judge
ruled in court in Bartow.
(Scott Wheeler / The Ledger)