Angelo Buono

Angelo Buono

October 22, 1979 - Los Angeles, California- Angelo Buono, cousin of
Kenneth Bianchi who earlier 10/22
pleaded guilty to five of the
brutal "Hillside Strangler" murders, arrives at Los Angeles Criminal
Court Building 10/22 for arraignment.

Angelo Buono, left, the accused accomplice of
confessed Hillside Strangler, Kenneth Bianchi, was arraigned in the
Los Angeles Criminal Courts Building, where he pleaded innocen to 10
counts of murder and 14 counts which includeconspiracy, kidnapping
and rape. During the brief hearing Buono only spoke twice, to answer
"yes" in a barely audible voice that he understood the legal
proceedings. Buono, Who arrived wearing a suit, and left in county
prison garb, will be held without bail in Los Angeles County Jail,
the same facility where his cousin Bianchi is being housed.

October 30, 1979 - Los Angeles, California: "Hillside strangler" Angelo
Buono leaves Criminal Courts
Building 10/30 after he pleaded
innocent at arraignment to a 25-count felony indictment
including 10
murders and a slate of sexual offenses.

Angelo Buono, Jr.'s home was in Glendale, Calif., from which he ran
an upholstery business out of his garage. Buono was a street-tough
sub-normal creature always trying to prove his manhood and
authority. He reveled in being Italian and flew the Italian flag 24
hours a day from a flagpole on the grounds of his house. He was
already parading prostitutes through his home by the time his
cousin, Kenneth Bianchi, arrived to stay in his home. One night, as
the cousins sat about getting drunk on beer, they speculated as to
what it might be like to actually kill someone.They then started
their mass murder spree.

Officers from the Glendale Police Department
stand guard in front of the house and upholstery shop of hillside
strangler suspect Angelo Buono while detectives from
LAPD, Glendale, and LA County Sheriff
search the premises.

Angelo Buono
locks the door of his Glendale residence after sheriff's deputies
searched his home and
business at 703 East Colorado St. Buono is the cousin of Kenneth
Bianchi, the Hillside Strangler.
Deputies spent several hours at the site and then sealed the
residence until further notice.

Angelo Buono's
empty chair in the courtroom of his murder trial in the Hillside
Strangler trial. Jury box in the background.

Angelo Buono
is led from courtroom during proceeding.

Judge Ronald George speaks during session in the Angelo Buono
"Hillside Strangler"
murder trial in Los Angeles.

Angelo Buono
and his defense attorney, Catherine Mader during proceedings.

Angelo Buono
and his defense attorney, Catherine Mader, stare at the camera
during proceedings.

Mary Forsberg worked with Kenneth Bianchi at the title company and
carpooled with him,
appears on the witness stand at the Angelo Buono trial.

Angelo Buono
defense attorney Gerald Chaleff cross-examines prosecution witness
Sabra Hannan
during a session of the Angelo Buono "Hillside Strangler" murder
trial in Los Angeles.

Judge Ronald George, center, listens as
prosecutor Roger Boren questions prosecution witness Sabra
during session in the Angelo Buono "Hillside
Strangler" murder trial in Los Angeles. Buono
sits at extreme
right with his defense team. At left center is a model of Buono's
Glendale home.

Unknow witness testifying in Hillside
Strangler murder trial. He is pointing out
something in a photo
which shows one of the victims at a murder scene.

Defense attorney Gerald Chaleff questions Kenneth Bianchi.

Defense attorney, Gerald Chaleff gestures to chart alledging
comparison of Kenneth Bianchi's
behavior and statements in Bellingham, Washington and in Los
Angeles. Judge Ronald
M. George listens at right.

Angelo Buono
appeared in court on murder charges against him.

After Buono trial, prosecutor, Michael Nash rests in the courtroom.

Court clerk, Judi Leff, reads jurors' sentence of Angelo Buono,
the man they convicted on nine
Hillside Strangler murders and said should be imprisoned for the
rest of his life without possibility
of parole, instead of meeting death in the gas chamber. Their
decision came after they had spent
more than two years in the jury box.

Angelo Buono
appeared in court on Saturday, November 5, 1983 to hear the second
guilty verdict against him.

Glendale upholsterer Angelo Buono was convicted
of 9 of the Hillside Strangler murders
after the jury
condemned him to life in prison without parole.