Otto Sanhuber is shown standing in front of a rose bush. Sanhuber
considers his past as
a "ghost of the garrets" and now goes by the name of Walter Klein.
Pictured with him
is his wife, Mrs. Matilda Klein.

Mrs. Matilda Klein, wife of Otto Sanhuber, is shown sitting on the
witness stand.

Otto Sanhuber's wife, Matilda, is seen in a court conference with
his attorneys,
Orville Rogers (left) and Earl Wakeman at the Oesterreich murder

Deputy District Attorney James P. Costello is shown examining a
number of mysterious letters
which Otto Sanhuber is said to have received while living under his
alias of Walter Klein.

Photo of Mrs. Flora Rawson. On the night Fred Oesterreich was slain
she had a woman's premonition
"something dreadful had happened" and looked out of a window of her
home. She says she saw the
feet of a man slinking from the dining room to the living room in
the Oesterreich home next door.
At the trial of Otto Sanhuber, Mrs. Rawson testified regarding the
mystery of the slinking feet.

Photo of Mrs. Cora A. Norton who also testified regarding the
mystery of the slinking feet.
She was a guest of Mrs. Flora Rawson the night Fred Oesterreich was

View shows John L. Oesterreich, brother of slain man, Fred
He testified against his brothers' widow.

Mrs. Walburga Oesterreich and real estate man Ray B. Hedrick are
taking out a wedding license.

From left to right: Ray B. Hedrick, Mrs. Walburga Oesterreich and
Attorney Charles J. Rosin.
The two men are shown helping Mrs. Oesterreich out of the marriage
license bureau as
she is shown almost collapsing. They had to get a wheelchair for