


Juan Ignacio Blanco  


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Nannie DOSS



Nannie Doss



Mrs. Nannie Doss, confessed rat poison slayer of four of her five husbands.
Tulsa, Oklahoma: Mrs. Nannie Lanning Morton Doss. November 1, 1954.



Tulsa, Oklahoma: Mrs. Nannie Doss is questioned in the arsenic poisonings by Sheriff Al Locke
of Lyon County, Kansas; Wayne Owens, of the Kansas Bureau of Investigation, and Tulsa
County Attorney J. Howard Edmondson. November 1, 1954.



Tulsa, Oklahoma: Mrs. Nannie doss leaves the county attorney's office en route to her jail cell.
Homicide Capt. Harry Stege is shown in the background. November 1, 1954.



Nannie Doss, 49, laughs as she is interviewed by Captain Harry Stege at the police station November
29th, 1954, after allegedly confessing the poisoning of four of her five husbands. She was arraigned
November 29th. Although she giggled confessing to the four arsenic murders, she is said to have
become glum, when questioned on the deaths of seven other relatives.



Mrs. Nannie Doss, 49, breaks into a smile after signing a statement for Tulsa officers admitting she
exterminated four of her five husbands with rat poison. Police quoted Mrs. Doss as saying she put
the rodent killer in the food of two husbands because she was jealous of their popularity with other
women and that she poisoned the other two because they were mean and beat her. She denied
any connection with the deaths of four of her relatives, including her mother, two sisters
and step-grandson.



Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Kinder, who hired alleged husband-poisoner Mrs. Nannie Doss as a housekeeper
and companion for their three small children, look at an identification picture of the 49-year-old
widow at police headquarters. The couple worked with the police three weeks before the arrest
was made, continuing to let Mrs. Doss live in their home. November 19, 1954.



Nannie Doss, 49, walks into the county attorney’s office with investigator Ross Billingsley
on Nov. 27, 1954.
(Oklahoman Archives photo)



Nannie Doss, 49, displays grandmotherly pride in a courthouse corridor during a hearing to decide
her fate for the death of her fifth mate, Samuel Doss. She holds Janice Dianne Haynes, 4,
with her arms around Peggy Lou Haynes, 8. They are daughters of Melvina Hedrick,
Doss’ daughter. (Oklahoman Archives photo)



Nannie Doss



Nannie Doss





Nannie Doss



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