Angelica Salazar ALVAREZ |

Angelica Alvarez

Angelica Alvarez

Angelica Alvarez

Angelica Alvarez

Angelica Alvarez leaves the
Elkhart County Courthouse Tuesday, September 4, 2007
after pleading
guilty on all four counts in the death of her children last November.

Crime scene

Four flowerpots sit in front of the home where Elkhart
City Police were investigating
the discovery of the bodies of four
children dead in the basement.
(Joe Raymond/AP)

A coffin of one of four dead
children is carried from Saint Vincent de Paul Church in Elkhart, Ind.

Fathers Fernando Valdez, second left, and Gonzalo Lopez, center,
grieve in Osceola, Ind.,
during burial services for their four children police say were
killed by their mother,
Angelica Alvarez. (John Gress/Reuters)

Gonzalo Lopez (right), the father of the eldest two children, walks
outside the
courthouse with his pastor, Brian Baughman (center). (WSBT photo)

Alvarez family