The last interview

Ted Bundy'S Face In Television Monitor
January 24, 1989
Starke, Florida, USA
Ted Bundy was executed
in the electric chair at Starke State prison, Florida,
January 24th, at 7 a.m., 1989.
He was cremated and his ashes
were cast over the Cascade mountains in Washington,
several of his victims were found.

The now-retired "Old
Sparky" electric chair on exhibit at the Texas Prison Museum
in Huntsville.
Ted Bundy is among 240 inmates executed in
Florida's electric chair since 1924.

Funeral car, containing Bundy's remains.

Body of Ted Bundy Transported to Medical Examiner's Office.

Bundy's body that arrives at the Medical Examiner's office.

Bundy's lifeless body

For his last meal he had steak, eggs, hash browns and coffee.

Florida State
University's Chi Phi fraternity celebrates the execution of
Ted Bundy with a large banner that says, "Watch Ted Fry, See
Ted Die!" as they prepare for an evening cookout where they
will serve "Bundy burgers" and "electrified hot dogs."

Bundy's execution was greeted with ghoulish
enthusiasm, with Bundy burgers and T-shirts on sale.