Shaquan Duley, pictured above with her mother in the background.
(Brian Troutman/The Times and Democrat)

Forensic psychiatrist Thomas Martin talks with Shaquan Duley during a
break in her bond hearing
procedure. Dr. Martin
offered his opinion that Duley was not a danger to society or a flight

Shaquan Duley

Shaquan Duley

Shaquan Duley

Shaquan Duley

Shaquan Duley

Shaquan Duley

Shaquan Duley

Shaquan Duley

Shaquan Duley

Shaquan Duley

Shaquan Duley

Shaquan Duley

Shaquan Duley

Shaquan Duley pleaded guilty to killing her two young sons by
suffocating them,
then putting their bodies into a car and rolling it into a river.
The victims

Ja'van T. Duley, left, and Devean C. Duley.