Mary BUNDY |

Carol Bundy

Carol Bundy 1980.

Carol Bundy

Carol Bundy prison photo 1998.

The murders weapon,
.25 calibre Raven automatic.

Douglas Clark mug shot.

Douglas Clark

Douglas Clark police photo.

Douglas Clark at trial.

Douglas Clark prison photo 2007.
The victims

On June 11, 1980, half-sisters Gina Narano, 15,
(left) and Cynthia Chandler, 16, vanished
from Huntington Beach, en route to a meeting with friends. They were found next
beside the Ventura Freeway near Griffith Park, in Los Angeles; each had been shot in the
side of the head
with a small-caliber pistol.

In the predawn hours of June 24, 1980, Karen Jones,
a 24-year-old hooker, was found behind
a Burbank steakhouse, murdered by a single gunshot to the head.

Later that morning, June 24, 1980, police were
summoned to Studio City, where another female
victim -- this one headless -- had been found by horrified
pedestrians. Despite the missing head,
she was identified as Exxie Wilson, 20, another veteran

On June 30, 1980, a
group of snake hunters near Sylmar, in the San Fernando Valley,
up a woman's mummified corpse, identified as Sacramento runaway
Marnette Comer. Last
seen alive on June 1, the 17-year-old prostitute had been dead at
least three weeks when
she was found. Like other victims in the series, she was known to
work the Sunset Strip.

On August 5, 1980, Carol Bundy shot to death, stabbed and beheaded
another lover, Jack Murray.